Magical   Stuff   I   Like!

My Favorite Magical Thing is Theatre it is on of the greatest things in the world. There are many different people in the theatre world. The two most common groups are Technians(Techies and Actors these to are the most magical groups ever created. The techies are so magical they don't even need recognition. That's Magical!

Next comes those people that are always mistaken for clowns, the mimes. Yeah! These people are so magical that they can even make people happy. That's a great magical thing!

Animals are also magical, they can predict the weather. Plus they are really cute and make people live longer. I have two magical animals one is a puppy named Frazier (I didn't name him) and the other is a happy bunny named Pepper (Yes, She is happy). She isn't happy anymore she was taken by the black rabbit and it is now in the great warren.

Sisters are also magical, sometimes. They can be wonderful little people until the run into your room and refuse to leave until you let them talk to YOUR friends. Whoa Nellie, that's when they stop being magical. Other then that they are perfect litle angels, Sure.

Hair Ribbons are the greatest thing on earth and I hope in the beyond,too. They are so cute and just make your day so very magical.

Next we have COLORFUL socks, these are just great they make you feel all tingly inside. When that happens it's either magic or it's love.

Cows are magic, okay maybe there only magic when you tip them.

People who stay up all night and listen to your problem are beyond magical(there is a word for these people, beside amazing, they are called BEST FRIENDS) If you have one please be nice to them, they are really important!

Ozwalds- sometimes magical sometimes umm, well.........MEAN! Fun and a good time for all! (If you don't know what they are you won't like them.)

More Magical Things To Come!